[English Version] While You Sleep, Your Tsundere Visits You in Bed


While You Sleep, You Tsundere Visits You in Bed.(寝ている間にツンデレ彼女に夜這いされちゃう音声_英語版)

CV: Narumi Aisaka

RJ Code: RJ332705

Caution: This work is all in English. adult-only yuri voice work. Fully binaural.

"...I'm sorry if I wake you.. up.. I... Can't.. Hold back.."

In this audio work, your girlfriend you've been living with, Lililou (CV: Narumi Aisaka) sneaks into your room.
Imagine how the main character reacts, pretend to be the main character, whatever! If you're into yuri, there's plenty to enjoy. But wait, that's not all! If you've always dreamed of a tsundere girl coming to see you in bed, you won't want to miss this. Spend your time together how you want!

And because it's in English, it's as "worldwide" as you can get.

Check out the sample tracks for a taste of tracks 1-3...

Kissing while asleep
Ear teasing while asleep
Masturbating next to you while you sleep
The kissing and ear licking tracks are presented with very little dialogue that might disrupt your immersion.

Recorded binaurally, so please listen with headphones / earphones.

[Track List]

01) W-welcome home. You've overdone it today too, haven't you? (10:42)
02) I will kiss you.OK?(kissing) (07:36)
03) If I lick your ears, you may get up.(Ear Licking) (26:43)
04) I.. Probably.. Can't hold back anymore.(Pussy Licking and Masturbation) (21:32)
05) Ahh, you’re awake? Good morning.(03:20)

Bonus Track: Sleeping breath track (04:58)

Total playback: approx. 75 minutes

Includes script, main audio. MP3 audio, SFXless variations, package illustration + red glasses variation

[About this Work]
This is an English-language version of "While You Sleep, Your Tsundere Visits You in Bed" created with the assistance of English speakers overseas. Content is basically the same otherwise, but has been newly edited to account for the new audio.

2021 ASMR Blonde Hair 【金髪】 Ear Licking 【耳舐め】 English Language 【英語】 English Words / Phrases Female Homosexuality (Lesbian) 【レズ/女同士】 Narumi Aisaka 【逢坂成美】 Tsundere 【ツンデレ】 Women's Viewpoint 【女性視点】 Yuri/Girls Love 【百合】

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