NSFW Forced Baby Making with Your Yandere Kouhai



CV: Momoka Kosuzu

RJ Code: RJ270169

You just saw her sometimes on the way to school, but now your kouhai is
saying you’re lovers.
“Our eyes met a lot.”
“We understand each other.”
These were her reasons for loving you…

Your kouhai is pretty off her rocker, and wants to make a baby with you. To get what she
wants, she’ll force you into sex in the nurse’s office, on a crowded train, and she’ll even
break into your home…

Over one hour of realistic adult horror entertainment!

2019 Binaural 【バイノーラル/ダミヘ】 Coercion/Compulsion 【強制/無理矢理】 Ear Licking 【耳舐め】 Junior And Senior Students Junior/Senior 【先輩/後輩】 Momoka Kosuzu 【小鈴ももか】 Reverse Rape 【逆レイプ】 Yandere 【ヤンデレ】 メンヘラ

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